DEMO 6: Company Sonardyne International Ltd

04 Oct 2018
15:30 - 18:30
Demo Pool

DEMO 6: Company Sonardyne International Ltd

John Partridge founded Sonardyne in 1971 and his vision was to improve the safety and efficiency of underwater navigation for divers through innovation in acoustic signal processing, hardware design and custom engineering. From our origins in the North Sea in the early 1970s, innovation and performance has maintained our reputation for technical leadership, and today we have an unrivalled portfolio of acoustic and non-acoustic technologies for use in the most challenging marine environments. Today, our vision is to facilitate safe, secure, economical and environmentally sound operations upon and within the world’s oceans and seas; continuing to expand on John’s original vision.

Now with 230 employees worldwide, underwater acoustics remains at the very core of what we do, our business now reaches far beyond this and has been driven by both the possibilities of new technologies and the needs of our clients. In just a few short years sonar imaging, optical communications and inertial navigation technologies have emerged from our research programmes. But if experience has taught us one thing, it is that the more you understand about your client’s business, then the more responsive you can be as an organisation and the better prepared you are to deliver and support the right solution. These investments have provided great value to our customers. Survey operations become ever faster and more efficient, deep water vessels are able to operate safely in all conditions, seabed to surface data transfer is reliable and quick and waterside installations are better protected against the threat of attack.

Tutorial hands-on and demos are divided in three groups which will rotate together every hour:

15:30 – 16:30 Group 1
T3 hands-on: Subnero
Group 2
Demo 5: Torpex
Group 3
Demo 6: Sonardyne International Ltd
16:30 – 17:30 Group 2
T3 hands-on: Subnero
Group 3
Demo 5: Torpex
Group 1
Demo 6: Sonardyne International Ltd
17:30 – 18:30 Group 3
T3 hands-on: Subnero
Group 1
Demo 5: Torpex
Group 2
Demo 6: Sonardyne International Ltd


Breaking the Surface