BTS 2018 home page
Advanced maneuvering and vision algorithms for surveys with the SPARUS II AUV
Underwater acoustic communications: Fundamentals and new results
Key technologies towards the vision of complex autonomous underwater operations: From project SMIS to MUM
Shearwater: The future of hybrid autonomous marine vehicles
Oceanids: Development of next generation marine autonomous systems for ocean science
Micro-scale wave energy generation for autonomous sensors and robotics
Autonomy and remote control technology in sea aquaculture activities
Cloud-based Management and Control of Autonomous Marine Vehicles: Concept and Demonstration
A fast fish-like human-powered racing submarine
Chasing ocean carbon – from sky to sea and below
Submarine technology for the study and conservation of deep coral gardens and cold-water coral reefs
“We’re (not) going to need a bigger boat”: the tech that will replace traditional research vessels in deep sea and coastal environments
How to protect an outstanding shipwreck site?
A brief history of ancient ships
Cyber-security solutions for unmanned systems, and their use in conjunction with new technologies to advance port security and maritime domain awareness
Cyber security for marine technologies
New survey visualization: Merging photogrammetric 3D model with a multibeam bathymetry
ROV inspection
Exploring the ocean and the seabed: oceanographic case studies where marine robotics can be applied
The evolution of smart software within maritime robotics
Protoatlantic – a European accelerator program of the marine sector
The ORCA Hub: Offshore robotics for certification of assets
Democratising the AUV: ecoSUB Robotics – from concept to commercial reality
Unmanned ocean data collection
Entrepreneurship in marine robotics
Robots in politics and business
Consumer Robotics in the Age of Acceleration
Experiences in building an international business
IQUA Robotics: past, present and future
EUMarineRobots: The “Oprah” of Marine Robotics
16:30 – 18:00
18:00 – 19:30
From 21:00
19:30 – 21:00
9:00 – 16:00