Roberto Galeazzi

Head of Centre, Technical University of Denmark

Roberto Galeazzi

Head of Centre, Technical University of Denmark


Roberto Galeazzi received the M.Sc. degree in electronic engineering from the Polytechnic
University of Marche, Ancona, Italy, in 2005 and the Ph.D. degree in automation and control
from the Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, in 2010. He is an
Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical and Photonics Engineering at the
Technical University of Denmark. He is also Head of Centre for Collaborative Autonomous
Systems at the Technical University of Denmark. He was with the Center of Excellence for
Ships and Ocean Structures (NTNU) as a Post-Doctoral Fellow in 2009-2010. His research
interests include motion planning and control, fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control,
nonlinear and adaptive control, state estimation and multi-modal sensor fusion. His focus
areas are safety critical systems and autonomous systems. Dr. Galeazzi serves as Chair of
the IFAC Coordinating Committee on Transportation and Vehicle Systems since 2023, and
as Vice Chair of IEEE Denmark Section Joint Chapter CSS and RAS since 2022. He served as
Chair of the Technical Committee on Marine Systems in the period 2018-2023. He is
Associate Editor for Control Engineering Practice.

All session by Roberto Galeazzi

Breaking the Surface