Natàlia Hurtós

IQUA Robotics

Natàlia Hurtós

IQUA Robotics


Natàlia Hurtós (MSc 2007, PhD 2014) is currently working as software product manager in IQUA Robotics. Since 2006 she has participated in multiple research projects (both National and European funded) related to underwater robotics and has been involved in several Technology developments. She has extensive experience in developing and integrating software for autonomous underwater vehicles, as well as in applications involving the use of sonar devices for mapping underwater environments.

All session by Natàlia Hurtós

WORKSHOP: Defining a ROS package to standardize underwater messages

02 Oct 2018
14:30 - 18:30
Hotel Adriatic - Tutorial room

Tutorial 2 intro: Sparus II

03 Oct 2018
15:00 - 15:30
Hotel Adriatic - Tutorial room

Tutorial 2 hands-on: Sparus II

03 Oct 2018
15:30 - 18:30
Hotel Adriatic - Tutorial room
Breaking the Surface