Morel Groper

The Hatter Department of Marine Technologies, University of Haifa

Morel Groper

The Hatter Department of Marine Technologies, University of Haifa


Prof. Morel Groper served between 1987 to 2011 in the Israel Navy as a design engineer, Navy Shipyard Chief Marine Engineer and finally as the Navy Head of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. Through his career in the Israel Navy, he was directly involved in many of the naval architecture and marine engineering research and development efforts, including the development of advanced naval platforms and unique marine systems. Prof. Groper received his Ph.D. degree in 1999 from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel. His research under the supervision of Professor Izhak Etsion focused on the cavitation phenomena in hydrodynamic bearings. In 2010 Prof. Groper retired from the Navy and launched his own R&D company to provide comprehensive mechanical engineering and naval architecture services to naval, marine, offshore and industrial sectors. In 2014 he joined the University of Haifa to promote his own research, as well as assist with establishing and developing the new Hatter Department of Marine Technologies. Currently, Prof. Groper serves as the Head of this department at the Charney School of Marine Sciences at the University of Haifa. His research focuses on maneuvering and propulsion of Underwater Marine Vehicles and on the engineering design of components for underwater applications.

All session by Morel Groper

Breaking the Surface