Marc Carreras

IQUA Robotics

Marc Carreras

IQUA Robotics


Marc Carreras is cofounder and CEO of IQUA Robotics, spin off company of the University of Girona (UdG) devoted to the commercialization of innovative AUVs which are the result of more than 10 years of research at the University.

He is also an Associate Professor in the Computer Engineering Department at UdG, and member of the Computer Vision and Robotics Institute. He holds a B.Sc. degree in Industrial Engineering (1998) and a PhD in Computer Engineering (2003, Best PhD award) from the UdG. Since 1999, he has participated in 14 research projects (6 European and 8 National), he is author of more than 90 publications, and he has supervised 3 PhDs thesis (3 more under direction).

He leaded the participation of VICOROB in SAUC-E (Student European AUV competition) in 2006 (1st prize), 2010 (1st prize), 2011 (2nd prize), in euRathlon underwater competition 2014 (1st prize) and 2015 (1st prize) and ERL Emergency 2017 (1st prize).

His research activity is mainly focused on underwater robotics in research topics such as intelligent control architectures, robot learning, path planning, AUV design, modelling and identification. Dr. Carreras is member of the IEEE RAS and OES Societies.

All session by Marc Carreras

IQUA Robotics: past, present and future

02 Oct 2018
14:30 - 15:00
Hotel Adriatic - Lecture room
Breaking the Surface