Tutorial 2 intro: Underwater localization of acoustic sources – principles and approaches

26 Sep 2022

Tutorial 2 intro: Underwater localization of acoustic sources – principles and approaches

ScriptsThis tutorial introduction will serve to provide foundation material that will be explored during the hands-on acoustic data processing and implementation of localization methods. The session will briefly describe some models of underwater acoustic propagation, together with the algorithms to estimate ranges and bearings between underwater devices. This will be followed by a comparison of different methods to estimate position with respect to geographic references, including Long Baseline and Ultra-short Baseline, for example. One typical application of these methods is the localization of underwater pingers, such as the ones of airplane black boxes. A similar example will be provided, with the description of the steps taken to determine the location of a sunk glider off the coast of Portugal in the autumn of 2021. The final part of the session will serve to announce the BTS underwater localization challenge, describing the characteristics of the deployed pinger, such as ping rate and frequency.


You can find the introductory presentation and the Matlab processing scripts at the following links:

Acoustic localization Matlab scripts

Underwater localization of acoustic sources – principles and approaches


Tutorials are consisted of introduction presentation of 30 minutes and hands-on part of 60min. Tutorial hands-on and demos are divided in three groups which will rotate together every hour:

15:30 – 16:30 Group 1
T1 hands-on: 3DOM (Fabio Menna)
Group 2
T2 hands-on: INESC-TEC
Group 3
Demo: H2O
16:30 – 17:30 Group 2
T2 hands-on: INESC-TEC
Group 3
Demo: H2O
Group 1
T1 hands-on: 3DOM (Fabio Menna)
17:30 – 18:30 Group 3
Demo: H2O
Group 1
T1 hands-on: 3DOM (Fabio Menna)
Group 2
T2 hands-on: INESC-TEC
Breaking the Surface