Tutorial 1 hands-on: Underwater Optical Image Enhancement Techniques

01 Oct 2018
15:30 - 18:30
Hotel Adriatic - Tutorial room

Tutorial 1 hands-on: Underwater Optical Image Enhancement Techniques

The underwater medium raises significant challenges for the processing of optical images. Two main processes dictate the behaviour of light in water: absorption and scattering. Absorption accounts for the conversion of light into heat and other forms of energy, whereas scattering refers to the changes in photon direction caused by variations in water density and interactions with suspended matter. These phenomena degrade the image-formation process in a much more significant way than the usual in-air imaging, leading to image blurriness, loss of color and loss of contrast. This session will overview a set of techniques for image enhancement, ranging from simple contrast enhancement to image dehazing and the removal of inconsistent illumination, with emphasis on practical applications.

Tutorial hands-on and demos are divided in three groups which will rotate together every hour:

15:30 – 16:30 Group 1
Demo 1: Nido Robotics
Group 2
T1 hands-on: ViCOROB
Group 3
Demo 2: Company Blueye Robotics
16:30 – 17:30 Group 2
Demo 1: Nido Robotics
Group 3
T1 hands-on: ViCOROB
Group 1
Demo 2: Company Blueye Robotics
17:30 – 18:30 Group 3
Demo 1: Nido Robotics
Group 1
T1 hands-on: ViCOROB
Group 2
Demo 2: Company Blueye Robotics


Breaking the Surface