Demo 2: Company Blueye Robotics

01 Oct 2018
15:30 - 18:30
Demo pool

Demo 2: Company Blueye Robotics

Blueye underwater drones for the consumer and low end professional market.


Tutorial hands-on and demos are divided in three groups which will rotate together every hour:

15:30 – 16:30 Group 1
Demo 1: Nido Robotics
Group 2
T1 hands-on: ViCOROB
Group 3
Demo 2: Company Blueye Robotics
16:30 – 17:30 Group 2
Demo 1: Nido Robotics
Group 3
T1 hands-on: ViCOROB
Group 1
Demo 2: Company Blueye Robotics
17:30 – 18:30 Group 3
Demo 1: Nido Robotics
Group 1
T1 hands-on: ViCOROB
Group 2
Demo 2: Company Blueye Robotics


Breaking the Surface