Demo: Blueprint Subsea

02 Oct 2019
15:30 - 18:30
Demo Pool

Demo: Blueprint Subsea

Founded in 2006, Blueprint Subsea are innovative designers and manufacturers of underwater sonar, positioning and navigation systems.
Providing solutions for subsea and offshore markets, Blueprint Subsea offers a diverse and adaptable product portfolio consisting of StarFish sidescan sonars, Oculus dual-frequency multibeam imaging sonars, SeaTrac Micro-USBL acoustic positioning and communication systems, and Artemis, an extensive range of diver navigation and tracking products. Blueprint Subsea continuously strive to incorporate the latest advances in technology while remaining at an affordable cost without compromising on quality or function.



The company presentation is consisted of a 30 min time-slot for the presentation of the product gamut and an expo / hands-on demonstration activity. Tutorial hands-on and demonstrations are divided in three groups which will rotate together every hour:

15:30 – 16:30 Group 1
Demo: BluePrint
Group 2
T5 hands-on: AUVLib
Group 3
Demo: TBA
16:30 – 17:30 Group 2
Demo: BluePrint
Group 3
T5 hands-on: AUVLib
Group 1
Demo: TBA
17:30 – 18:30 Group 3
Demo: BluePrint
Group 1
T5 hands-on: AUVLib
Group 2
Demo: TBA
Breaking the Surface