Francesco Maurelli

Constructor University, Germany

Francesco Maurelli

Constructor University, Germany


Prof. Francesco Maurelli obtained his PhD in Electrical Engineering from Heriot-Watt University, in Edinburgh, Scotland, with a thesis focused on intelligent localization of autonomous underwater vehicles. He has worked for more than a decade in the field of autonomous marine robots. He is the Principal Investigator of the Horizon2020 MSCA projet TIC-AUV, in collaboration with Massachusetts Insitute of Technology (MIT), where he spent one year as research scholar, and Jacobs University Bremen. He is the PI of the Erasmus+ IMPACT project for Jacobs University, focused on education and research in marine systems, as well as the PI of the DAAD-funded project “Intelligence and autonomy extension for low cost freshwater inspection vehicles”. He is chair of Robotics and Intelligent Systems program at Jacobs University, and co-chair of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Marine Robotics Technical Committee. He has been involved in several projects, funded by EU FP6, EU FP7, EU H2020 (FreeSubNet, ARROWS, PANDORA, ECHORD++, TIC-AUV), and from British, Canadian and German national fundings.

Breaking the Surface