Prof. Dr. Jens Greinert is the leader of the ‘DeepSea Monitoring’ group in the Marine Geosystems department at GEOMAR. Beforehand, he was head of the “Marine Geology” department at NIOZ (Netherlands). His expertise is high resolution hydroacoustic/visual seafloor mapping, bubble detection and methane transport at seep areas often affiliated with gas hydrates. He has 20 years of experience in marine science, has participated in 40 research cruises and has been involved in several EU projects (CRIMEA, METROL, ESONET, EMSO PP, MIDAS) always with a focus on mapping and underwater navigation of optical system to extrapolate methane fluxes in space and time. His group at GEOMAR consists of geologists, geochemical personal, engineers and informatics specialist focusing on visual 3D reconstructions and feature detection. He is involved in camera upgrades of GEOMARs AUV Abyss and programs software for real-time underwater annotation.