Marine robotics, learning from humans, and communication: the SWAMP example

02 Oct 2019
09:45 - 10:30
Hotel Adriatic - Lecture room

Marine robotics, learning from humans, and communication: the SWAMP example

After a brief overview of how the concept of POrtable Pelagig Autonomous Robotic Technology (POP-ART) is implemented by the Proteus robotic vehicle for polar, harbour and coastal applications in ROV, USSV, and AUV working mode, the prototype USV SWAMP Shallow Water Autonomous Multi-purpose Platform will be presented.
In addition to allow applications in ultra-shallow water, being able to operate in less than 30 cm of depth, SWAMP USV paves the way to robotic research in the field of modular distributed self-assembling/disassembling cooperative unmanned marine vehicles as well as in design and implementation of AI-based guidance and control algorithms (machine learning, learning from humans, etc.).
Thanks to its innovative mechanical design (pump-jet propulsion, foam-made hull, etc.), SWAMP USV constitutes an easily deployable and safe platform for carrying out experiments involving citizens and students. This is fundamental to support the implementation of research and innovation projects on the development of autonomous physical agents able to operate in presence of and to cooperate with human beings and manned systems as, for instance, in the case of UMVs working in harbour and coastal areas. Social acceptance of such new technology requires, in the speaker’s opinion, the implementation of RDI projects including communication and active involvement of citizens and stakeholders from the early stages of their development.
A first example is given by the “SWAMP learning from humans” experiment carried out during the Communication Festival in Camogli on September 14-15, 2019.

Breaking the Surface