Javier Escartin


Javier Escartin



Javier Escartin, after graduating at the University of Barcelona (Spain), received in 1996 his PhD from the MIT/WHOI joint program in Oceanography. Following post-doc positions between 1996 and 1998 in the Universities of Durham and Einmburgh (UK) and IJA-CSIC (Spain), he integrated CNRS as a Research Scientist in 1999. He is now a CNRS Senior Scientist working at IPGP, and he is the head of the Marine Geosciences Team there. He also holds an Adjunct Scientist position at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution since 2002, and has been a visiting investigator at Harvard University and MIT in 2006-2007 . His research of the deep ocean focuses on the understanding of tectonic, volcanic, and hydrothermal processes along mid-ocean ridges, and the formation of the oceanic crust. He has led 11 major oceanographic cruises, conducting seafloor exploration and studies with ROVs, AUVs, and HOVs, in addition to other geophysical exploration tools (deep-towed systems, instrumentation, seismics, etc.). He has authored more than 90 articles, and supervised 4 PhDs (4 completed, one in progress), an addition to numerous Masters.

All session by Javier Escartin

Breaking the Surface